
  • Marketing is not for later

    Marketing is not for later

    “When we can afford it we will start doing some marketing” This is something I hear regularly from startups. Many startups have an idea, a lot of energy and a bit of money and go off without a marketing stategy. It keeps surprising me that marketing is often seen as ‘something we can do later, when…

  • Private E-course | Transform idea to business concept

    Private E-course | Transform idea to business concept

    This course takes aspirational entrepreneurs through all steps needed to transform their idea to a marketing based business set-up that gives them a head start.

  • Building sustainable, thriving dairy enterprises

    Building sustainable, thriving dairy enterprises

    For Venture Dairy I work on a sustainable dairy enterprise model for small scale dairy farming. This model is developed with Akshayakalpa. Take 2 minutes to watch this beautiful story about what they are grateful for. It makes me grateful to be able to contribute to the further roll out in other regions. About Venture…

  • NLR | until No Leprosy Remains

    NLR | until No Leprosy Remains

    Between november 2018 and august 2019 I worked for NLR to transform and reposition their international brand. NLR is the international brand of the Leprastichting in the Netherlands. In 2018 the Leprastichting updated her brand strategy for her international brand. Transforming into an international alliance aiming to stop leprosy in the next decade, the name…

  • She focuses on quality and impact

    She focuses on quality and impact

    I have greatly enjoyed working with Baukje. To strengthen its international brand the Leprastichting renewed its brand strategy in 2018. Baukje joined us soon after that process. She took on translating the strategy into rebranding NLR, definining the new design, its guidelines and implementing within our international alliance. She was a valued advisor for me,…

  • Talents make the team

    Talents make the team

    Everyone has a talent. Some discover their talent as a child, others take their whole life. Some discover it by them selves, some need others to point them at it. If you see talent as recurring activities, thoughts or feelings that prove to be productive for yourself and others, you will find your talent. And,…

  • Marketing is a conversation about value

    Marketing is a conversation about value

    What did you think when you saw this photograph of a car? Surely not the same as the Cuban owner of this car. How you value a product or service depends on where you live, what you need / want in your life and on what your budget is to fulfill this need. Take the test with this…

  • Who’s Feronia?

    Who’s Feronia?

    My parents gave me this name to symbolise that I would live my life in Freedom. Feronia is the name of a goddess. Originaly Sabine (region in central Italy at one point in history) but adopted by the Romans into their religion. Much has been written about what type of godess she was. Feronia was…

  • Strive to be happy

    Strive to be happy

    Strive to be happy is a prose poem written by Max Ehrman in 1927. It was long unknown and the road towards it’s current fame is fun to read. This poem was given to me by a dear friend and I have kept it close ever since.