
I write about marketing, creative strategy and all that inspires me related to my profession. May what inspires me, inspire you!

  • Chef’s that work from the source

    Chef’s that work from the source

    In general I find the way chef’s look at food and create new combinations an inspiration. But I get really excited when chef’s use their knowledge to innovate food production. Netflix released a serie about inspirational cooks around the world. The one that stood out for me was Dan Barber in the first series. Next…

  • SheDecides – a movement I support

    SheDecides – a movement I support

    I worked in Ethiopia during the W. Bush period and learned about the impact of the vision of a president in the US on family planning for individual women in countries receiving aid. During that time the Global Gag Rule was in force and it was, so to speak, the butterfly effect at it’s worst. When…

  • Cracking a problem – flowing honey

    Cracking a problem – flowing honey

    In my work I enjoy deducting a problem in such a way that the solution seems obvious. It excites me even more when I see the result of peoples ‘this should be solved’ attitude. An invention that has made it to my to do list (when I have a garden) is the Flow Hive. Invented…

  • Talents make the team

    Talents make the team

    Everyone has a talent. Some discover their talent as a child, others take their whole life. Some discover it by them selves, some need others to point them at it. If you see talent as recurring activities, thoughts or feelings that prove to be productive for yourself and others, you will find your talent. And,…

  • Africa Rising

    Africa Rising

    A great new book about African creatives was published in september. Young and more established artists in the field of design, fashion, photography and architecture show work that is vibrant, personal and so different to the European arts. I received it as a present this december and every page is an inspiration. Especially at the…

  • Tree of life

    Tree of life

    I grew up in a garden with a large Chestnut tree and it is special to me that this tree saw me, my mother and now a new generation grow up while growing taller and taller. It is a comforting idea to be part of this larger scheme of things and that there are many…

  • VentureDairy | Connecting farmers

    VentureDairy | Connecting farmers

    In 2014 two dairy enthousiasts met and their joined passion for sustainable dairy farming and quality products sparked smart | dairy. Sharing their views on business development and being a dairy enthousiast myself, I joined them early 2015. smart | dairy connects small scale farmers around the world. Together these farmers form a distributed macro-farm considerate…

  • Go the extra mile, it is never crowded!

    Go the extra mile, it is never crowded!

    A new year, new options and who knows; new years resolutions! A motto I personally like for this year is ‘go the extra mile’. It is freely taken from Wayne Dyers quote ‘ it is never crowded along the extra mile’. What inspires me in this is that it stands for more than ambition. It…

  • Marketing is a conversation about value

    Marketing is a conversation about value

    What did you think when you saw this photograph of a car? Surely not the same as the Cuban owner of this car. How you value a product or service depends on where you live, what you need / want in your life and on what your budget is to fulfill this need. Take the test with this…