With my Creative Strategy expertise I assist organisations to create more value and impact

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I am Baukje Feronia Kleinbekman

From the start of my career, I have been deployed to set up new activities. Usually project-based because I like to put a dot on the horizon to work towards, together with teammates. Due to my work in various sectors, countries and disciplines, I have a wide range of hard and soft skills enabling me to facilitate development within your organisation in a creative and pleasant manner.

my portfolio

My middle name Feronia, after the goddess of freedom, absolutely influenced my personal and professional life. I went exploring the minute I could walk and I love the inspiration from encounters with new people, places and experiences! Freedom to explore has always been a large part of my professional passion as well. Most visibly in seeing possibilities and creating opportunities for others to develop.

Free E-course : Transform your idea to a business concept

You have an idea for a business but where to start?! This course has been designed to enable you to develop your initial idea towards a business concept and marketing strategy.

I write about creative strategy and all that inspires me related to my profession

  • NLR | until No Leprosy Remains

    NLR | until No Leprosy Remains

    Between november 2018 and august 2019 I worked for NLR to transform and reposition their international brand. NLR is the international brand of the Leprastichting in the Netherlands. In 2018 the Leprastichting updated her brand strategy for her international brand. Transforming into an international alliance aiming to stop leprosy in the next decade, the name…

  • She focuses on quality and impact

    She focuses on quality and impact

    I have greatly enjoyed working with Baukje. To strengthen its international brand the Leprastichting renewed its brand strategy in 2018. Baukje joined us soon after that process. She took on translating the strategy into rebranding NLR, definining the new design, its guidelines and implementing within our international alliance. She was a valued advisor for me,…

  • Slow fashion – goodbye trends, hello style

    Slow fashion – goodbye trends, hello style

    Many ‘new’ ways are actually going back to the ‘old’ ways. Often they get called slow, like slow food and slow fashion. Good developments since it puts emphasis on value of things and time. If we want to keep our planet healthy, valuing the things we use is a good step. It will make a…

  • Healthy relations with food & farmers

    Healthy relations with food & farmers

    Recent events made it more clear than ever that we do not seem to have healthy relations with food and the people that produce our food. In the Netherlands (and much of Europe) we have had many weeks with high temperatures and no rain. To such an extent that using water on crops was hardly…

  • 11 cities – 200 km IN the water

    11 cities – 200 km IN the water

    I was born and raised in the Frisian province, in the north of the Netherlands. A province famous for it’s dairy, the beautiful Frisian cows and horses, it’s water.  And, of course the incredible 11 cities skating tour of 200km. It has been a while since skating this tour was possible but it is done…

  • Ikigai – a reason for being

    Ikigai – a reason for being

    According to Japanese tradition everyone has an Ikigai, a reason for being. In daily life wording: your Ikigai is the reason you get out of bed in the morning. Since we spend quite some time a day on working, it is great when our work aligns with our reason for being. It gives purpose to…