With my Creative Strategy expertise I assist organisations to create more value and impact

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I am Baukje Feronia Kleinbekman

From the start of my career, I have been deployed to set up new activities. Usually project-based because I like to put a dot on the horizon to work towards, together with teammates. Due to my work in various sectors, countries and disciplines, I have a wide range of hard and soft skills enabling me to facilitate development within your organisation in a creative and pleasant manner.

my portfolio

My middle name Feronia, after the goddess of freedom, absolutely influenced my personal and professional life. I went exploring the minute I could walk and I love the inspiration from encounters with new people, places and experiences! Freedom to explore has always been a large part of my professional passion as well. Most visibly in seeing possibilities and creating opportunities for others to develop.

Free E-course : Transform your idea to a business concept

You have an idea for a business but where to start?! This course has been designed to enable you to develop your initial idea towards a business concept and marketing strategy.

I write about creative strategy and all that inspires me related to my profession

  • Great things are done by a series of small things brought together – Vincent van Gogh

    Great things are done by a series of small things brought together – Vincent van Gogh

    Coming from Vincent van Gogh we can’t do anything but believe this quote to be true. Also in economics you can observe this to be true. No business has started big. All start with ideas and guts, then trust and determination come into it and trough-out an open mind and observing the world around you…

  • “Baukje has an impressive background and experience in the international arena”

    “Baukje has an impressive background and experience in the international arena”

    I wish to strongly recommend Baukje as an outstanding individual in the area of entrepreneurial marketing and business development. Baukje has an impressive background and experience in the international arena including her time spent working in Africa. I have worked closely with Baukje during the development of programs in dairy development in emerging markets and…

  • The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences

    The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences

    “So many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change their situation because they are conditioned to a life of security, conformity, and conservatism, all of which may appear to give one peace of mind, but in reality nothing is more damaging to the adventurous spirit within a man…

  • “She deploys a wide range of skills based on years of experience in Africa and the Netherlands”

    “She deploys a wide range of skills based on years of experience in Africa and the Netherlands”

    Based on my collaboration with Baukje during the implementation of the Diaspora volunteer project : maximizing the value of the Kenyan diaspora. A joint project between Kenya Diaspoar Community in the Netherlands, Africa Study Centre Leiden University and VSO Netherlands, I would attest to her qualities and professionalism in handling very complex projects that involve…

  • Nieuwmarkt in the snow

    Nieuwmarkt in the snow

    Surely Amsterdam will not have a white Christmas but this comes very close to this feeling. On my way to the supermarket late afternoon I walked along the Christmas tree on the Nieuwmarkt and wanted to take a picture. Since I was not the only one I diverted my attention. And then I saw that…

  • Must read – Teeming by Tamsin Woolley-Barker

    Must read – Teeming by Tamsin Woolley-Barker

    To stay up to date I read a lot of articles and books, but not very often am I so taken by a book that I feel like publicly praising it. Teeming, written by evolutionary biologist Tamsin Woolley-Barker is a grant exception. The book explains how superorganisms work to build infinite wealth and how organizations…