You have an idea for a business but where to start?! This course has been designed to enable you to develop your initial idea towards a business concept and marketing strategy. It is a very practical course and completely private. It is build on my long standing expertise in marketing and creative strategy. You create a journal and will never need to upload or share information about your business idea.
Private E-course
1 year of access
- Study at your own pace.
- You never have to share your business idea.
- No marketing knowledge needed.
- Create your business concept step by step.
Lesson overview
Getting organized
- 1 Prepare your journal
- 2 Essence of entrepreneurship
- 3 Essence of Marketing
Step 1: Exploring your idea
- 4 Framing your idea
- 5 Quick scan of your idea
Step 2: Researching your market
- 6 Finding your market
- 7 Finding your potential consumers
- 8 Grouping your potential consumers
- 9 Analysing your competitors
- 10 Influences on your market
Step 3: Being unique
- 11 Reflecting on your idea
- 12 Resources for being unique
Step 4: Your market entry strategy
- 13 Creating your S.W.O.T
- 14 Strategic activity combinations
- 15 Creating your marketing mix
- 16 Budgetting & Planning
Step 5: Developing your brand
- 17 Defining your brand
- 18 Writing your manifesto
- 19 Creating your Vision board
- 20 Creating your brand identity
Getting out there
- 21 Presentation tips
- 22 Concluding thoughts
Estimated Time: 1-2 months, depending on the time you invest. Each lesson contains 30% high level marketing knowledge and skills and 70% practical activities to explore your idea and your market-environment. Don’t worry if English is not your first language, we made this course as easy as possible.